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Serving Your Best
Interests Since 1995

At Forward-Thinking Financial, we take a collaborative approach to planning to help make sure your hard-earned money is spent and invested in the vehicles and opportunities that make the most sense for you and your unique financial situation.

Strategic recommendations paired with ongoing education (in language you can actually understand) helps ensure you get the maximum value out of every minute you spend with us because at the end of the day, you more insight you gain, the better equipped you will be to make important financial decisions.


Scott Peterson, CFP® Photo
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Scott Peterson, CFP®

Founder & CEO

Scott Peterson, CFP®

Founder & CEO

P: 555-555-5555
E: speterson@sample.com

For over 20 years, I’ve helped people of all ages and backgrounds take control of their finances so they can focus more on growing their net worth and securing their future. From the perfect asset allocation strategy to the best long term care option, I’m an expert in all facets of financial planning, offering a comprehensive approach to some of the most important aspects of the financial life cycle.

Beginning my career at a large broker-dealer firm, I quickly realized that my passion for finances doesn’t lie in chasing commissions, but rather helping people chase what matters most to them. After obtaining my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM  designation, I founded Forward-Thinking Financial with one main goal in mind: protect the best interests of my clients while providing new and innovative ways to protect and enhance their wealth so they can live out their dreams without constant stress and worry about money.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Linda, and our three children: Braxton, Whitney and Russell. When I’m not at the office, you can find me volunteering at the local food pantry and supporting nearby animal shelter adoption events.

Linda Peterson Photo
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Linda Peterson

Administrative Assistant

Linda Peterson

Administrative Assistant

P: 555-555-5555
E: lpeterson@sample.com

My journey to becoming the administrative assistant at Forward-Thinking Financial all began at a small regional bank, where I primarily focused on client communication and high-level company operations. After a few years there, I joined a family-owned financial planning firm. While there, I got exposure to all aspects of running a business, including managing client expectations and supporting employees’ career goals.

Both of these roles have contributed greatly to my position here at Forward-Thinking Financial. As the administrative assistant, I help organize and maintain our clients’ accounts and paperwork, assist Scott in the onboarding of new clients and create new processes to accommodate our growing client base.

Beyond work, Scott and I enjoy giving back to the community, spending time with our three children and attending conferences covering the latest financial planning topics and trends.